Tuesday 16 April 2013

Grimm: Love Sick

Adalind, I think it's time to settle our differences, violently”.

This one is based on a story called Donkey Cabbages. I kid you not. There is nary a donkey or a cabbage to be seen, just Hank being bewitched by Adalind, who finally comes in to her own. This is the first time we’ve had a story develop over a number of episodes and reach a conclusion- a sort of mini-arc. I like this sort of thing.

It’s also nice to see Hank get something to do other than crack jokes. There’s a problem with the character. He’s consistently shown to be a competent and intelligent detective, but he never notices the blatantly supernatural goings on, and this makes him look stupid. This episode strongly hints that the writers recognise that this has to change soon. At last, Hank is the focus of a supernatural threat, even if he ends the episode none the wiser. Russell Hornsby is brilliant, as ever, but it’s great to see him getting a greater variety of material to work with.

We get more comedy fun with Wu in an otherwise serious episode, but this is also a chance for Rosalie, still a relatively new character, to further endear herself to the viewers by brewing up an antidote pretty damn quickly to treat Wu’s bizarre symptoms from his greedy cookie stealing! Moral much?

I’m impressed by the use of prosthetics rather than CGI in some of the scenes with Adalind’s full-on Hexenbiest form as she fights Nick in the woods, cliché. It’s a shame, though, that one of the body doubles is rather obvious. The ending is crushing for Adalind. She loses her powers and is instantly and cruelly rejected by the Captain and her mother.

Yet again we’re getting loads of arcyness! I like it.

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