Friday 28 October 2022

Moon Knight: Summon the Suit

 "She said I needed a suit."

"Yeah, the ceremonial armour from Khonshu's temple, not psycho Colonel Sanders."

This second episode is, like the first, absolutely bloody brilliant.

We learn, alongside Steven, a little more. It seems that Marc is the champion of Khonshun, an Egyptian god of justice who bis kind enough only to punish the guilty after they've committed theit crimes. Arthur Harrow, it seems, is his predecessor but has now turned to serving Ammit, a goddess who kills potential evildoers beforethey commit their crimes. It's an intriguing concept; as Arthur shows Steven, it can lead to a utopia without evil... exzcept for the evil of killing those who are as yet innocent. Including, as Steven points out, children.

We meet Layla, Marc Spector's wife... and she needs quite a while to realise that Steven is not just Marc putting an act. So Marc's wife, whom he seems to be divorcing, has no idea who Steven is. How long, I wonder, has the Steven persona existed?

Steven reacts as well as can be expected to having his consciousness taken over, resisting Marc angrily and consistently until he has no choice. But is Marc a murderer? What will now happen as we shift from London, Cairo?

I'm hooked. I'm REALLY loving this.

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