Tuesday 25 October 2022

Andor: The Eye

 "We win, or everyone dies..."

As expected, this episode is full of tension and entirely concerns the heist, which is more or less a success, albeit not without some hairy moments, nor is it without tragedy. The episode is brilliantly shot and extremely exciting, with Andor actually taking something of a backseat until the latter part of the episode. This is very much an ensemble piece.

And there are lots of ensemble case moments. Poor, young, idealistic Nemik dies for the cause. Skeet, so seekingly principled, turns out to be a mere mercenary, far more cynical than a disgusted Kassian, who just shoots him. Vel turns out to be nervous, but reliable when in the swing of things. Taramyn is a former Stormtrooper. This is a well-characterised gang of individuals.

We get the sense of what a big deal this rebel raid is, too. The Empire israttled. Mon Mothma, in the Senate, gets the coldest of shoulders. It's clear that a big crackdown is coming.

And Andor is alone again, off into the galaxy with his share of the loot. I won't pretend I'm a fan of non-stop acion, but this was very well done. Most importantly, it did not neglect the characters. For an episode full of bangs, this was not bad at all.

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