Wednesday 26 October 2022

Moon Knight: The Goldfish Problem

 "There's chaos in you..."

Oh my. This is brilliant. And also bloody bonkers.

My era for Marvel comicswas the '80s and early '90s, but I didn't really read any Moon Knight. My only experience of the character was a few issues of West Coast Avengers by Steve Englehart where he was part of an ensemble cast. So I'm pretty much unspoiled and won't get any of the references, for once.

The concept is brilliant. Steven Grant is a harmless, put-upon gift shop employee in the British museum who keeps having blackouts... and goes to extreme lengths, such as restraining his feet, not to go sleepwalking. This last bit, as well as the opening with Arthur Harrow putting broken glass in his shoes(!) is disturbingly kinky.

Ah, Arthur Harrow, disciple of Ammit, who can judge people with his moving tattoo of a pair of scales- and the goddess will kill them if they turn out to be bad... over the whole of their life. Past, present and future. A fascinating concept, and Harrow is a fascinating character. 

This is the perfect opening episode, with ius discovering things alongside Steven, and Ancient Egyptian themes everywhere. We wake up with Stephen in strange places, experiencing the car chases, the confusion, the monster in the museum. We get hints of "Marc"... and then, at the end, we meet him. He looks awesome...

Wow. Just wow.

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