Thursday 19 December 2019

The Jesus Lizard- Goat (1991)

So here we go, my first album review. It begins now. Somehow I need to evolve a way to talk about music.

I chose Goat by Texas' very own Jesus Lizard for obvious reasons; it's an album that I've never heard before but also a "safe" choice, the sort of stuff I tend to like- namely loud rock music, but weird and abrasive enough to burrow its way into my brain without my ever quite understanding it but enjoying the weirdness and musical ideas even if I have no idea how it technically works.

It's an awesome album, of course, which mostly reminds me of Big Black- I'm guessing Steve Albini was something of an influence here. Didn't he produce a lot of their stuff? Perhaps with a bit of Fugazi in there too, and perhaps even bits of the Crass, except this isn't shit. But the Nineties, dreamlike and abrasive at the same time, vaguely fuzzy guitar sound throughout (which I love) doesn't take away from the very real variety from song to song. I love this already, and repeated listens are bound to intensify this.

Yes, I know. It's probably an obscure choice, especially in 2019. But sod it- this is my blog.

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