Wednesday 14 December 2022

Ms Marvel: Time and Again

 "It was me!"

This episode is wonderful, timey-wimey and cathartic in equal measure. About half of the episode is told in flashback, from the perspective of the young Aisha, as she meets and falls in love with the kind and decent Hasan, becomes a mother and has a happy life... but is visited and threatened by Najma on the eve of Partition. This all makes sense, and is told well, explaining the history of Indian independence to a potentially unfamiliar audience without dumbing down.

And then Kamala and the timey-wimeyness happens. It's all extremely clever. Yes, the Djinn are defeated perhaps implausible easy. But it's lovely that Kamala's mum, whom I'm starting to really like, sees and accepts the whole truth and grows closer to both her mother and her daughter in the process. No more frustrating misunderstandings, yay!

The Djinn are gone. But Kamran is with Bruno, and Damage Control have arrived for the finale. This is excellent stuff.

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