Tuesday 16 July 2019

The Prisoner: It's Your Funeral

"I can think of better ways to die..."

"And better causes to die for."

Well, here’s yet another very good episode in a run of what have been particularly good ones- at least in the order I’m watching. It takes a while to work out what’s going on- acting Number Two trying to discredit Number Six as a Cassandra so he can carry out a plot from on high to assassinate the actual Number Two at the moment of his retirement (is the motive really just to avoid paying a pension?!), and it’s she slow reveal of what’s happening that makes the episode so enjoyable. It leads to some questions, though. Who are all these Number Twos? How many of those we’ve met so far have been “acting”? How long is a Number Two’s term? Why have we never seen the actual Number Two before? Were all the others just “acting”?

A big highlight of this episode is Derren Nesbitt’s excellently mannered performance as the acting Number Two- and, for us Doctor Who fans, this is a veritable Marco Polo reunion with both Mark Eden and Kublai Khan himself, Martin Miller. Not only that but there’s a minor role for Wanda Ventham. Not many episodes have such a cast as this.

We also get to see the bizarre, crash-helmeted, trampoline-based sport that is Kosho, which briefly appeared last episode- I think this is completely made up. In any other series I’d describe it as utterly surreal but, well...

Yes, I suppose the resolution is predictable, but I love the stoic fatalism of the outgoing Number Two, who survives but probably not for long. This is a superbly weird piece of telly.

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