Sunday 9 September 2018

Friday the 13th, Part III (1982)

“How come you never scream when we have sex?"

"Give me something to scream about..."

 I've said it before, and I'll say it again because it's still very relevant; watching the Friday the 13th films after the Scream films is probably not for the best. Once you've seen all those slasher tropes deconstructed time and time again it's a little bizarre to see them played with a straight bat, as they are here. As it happens the film is well made (the hilariously unconvincing popping eyeball aside...), and probably the best so far, but still...

We get a bunch of teens headed to a cabin by the lake in the woods. We get a weird old man warning them off. People do genre unwise things like having sex, smoking dope and carrying out practical jokes about being gruesomely murdered. There's no subversion of the cliches at all, just constant leaning into them. But, you know what? It works. Well, mostly.

This is the third film in the series and the first to feature (with no explanation) the hockey mask, which is a good idea and rather effective. As, on the whole, are the set pieces. I like the dart in the eye. The characters are a bit generic and blend into each other, but you expect that. But some of them are likeable and, like poor doomed virgin Shelly, some even have pathos. There's sex in a hammock, and a shower scene which probably counts as misdirection. It's an entertaining 90 minutes that holds the attention. But, well, surely in 1982 this had been done a million times or more? Three films in (after a bit of a hiatus) and I'm still concluding that the films are, yes, perfectly decent, but it's hard to understand what makes them so iconic.

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