Sunday 2 September 2018

Angel: Calvary

"Those evil geniuses- get you every time."

More Angelus fun this episode, so more menace, more discord, more superb oozing of evil from David Boreanaz, more despair. But we also get a twist- the Beast has a boss. Then, at the end, well... a bigger twist.

It's an awfully well-structured episode in highlight, with some superb scripting- Angelus' subtle racism to Gunn is as bad as anything he does, and the developments between Fred, Gunn and Wes are nuanced. The clash on the stairs between Cordy and Lilah harbingers stuff later on, of course, and Connor is a little snit but a useful one. A script like this needs both well-defined characters and a great cast, and it has both.

Angelus is in control here, pulling the strings, and we find that all reference and, indeed, memory of the Beast has been magically erased by something bigger, the actual Big Bad. And then the final shock; we think Angelus is going to kill Lilah... and Cordy does. What's going on? Is she the Big Bad? Whatever happens this season is on fire, never standing still. I love it.

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