Monday, 10 February 2025

Batman: The Animated Series- The Cat and the Claw, Part I

 "A cat at the end of its nine lives..."

At last we meet Catwoman. Of course, those of us who know our Batman will not be surprised by the last minute revelatyion that Selina Kyle and Catwoman are one and the same, but they're just going through the motions with that "reveal"- we're expected to know, I think. Selina's comment, at the prospect of her date with Bruce, that she wishes it was with Batman just drips with dramatic irony.

Some things are just intrinsically Catwoman- the fact that we begin with a little heist from our cat burglar, the exual chemistry between her and Batman, her flirting with and even kissing him while he wants to arrest her. And yet the way they're going with Selina is interesting. She seems to be a well-off woman with a interest in feline conservation, and with a secretary who knows her secret... so why the cat burglary? To fund her mountain lion preserving activities? This isan interesting angle.

As is the fact that Catwoman is not really the villain here but a morally ambiguous romantic foil for the Batman. As baddies, we have the mob, and the mysterious Red Claw...

I'm very interested to see where this is headed...

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