Saturday 13 August 2022

Loki: The Nexus Event

"What an incredible seismic narcissist..."

This isan incredible episode, full of twist, turns and big, big reveals along all the timey-wimey stuff, starting with the sad reveal that Sylvie was kidnapped by the TVA when she was just a little girl to... yeah, that ending.

It's still all about character, though. Neither we nor Mobius stop pondering what makes the so-called God of Mischief tick, of whether he trult has fallern in love with his alternate self. Mobius too, who seems to be permanently "pruned" by Ravonna, his best friend, also gets quite the journey here as he tenaciously notes the things that don't add up and realises that Loki, for once, was telling the truth: everyone who works for the TVA is a mind-wiped variant. His death is dignified, yes, but deeply sad.

And then there's the revelation at the end: the "Time Keepers" are just a front. What's really going on? Who really runs the TVA? Whatever, it#s clear that Ravonnais right at the centre. This is getting pretty bloody gripping.

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