Tuesday 9 August 2022

Loki: Lamentis-1

 "What part of imminent death confuses you?"

This episode seems to take things in unexpected directions. Just as we seemed to be settling into a status quo of Loki working for the TVA and pursuing the alternate Loki... things take a different turn. And yes, it's just Loki and Sylvie (for that seems to be her name) getting to know each other while an adventure with an apocalypse happens around them, but it's fun, if not as good as its two predecessors.

It annoys me a bit when the episode proudly reveals that Loki is bisexual, and then expects to be congratulated for being so progressive. You know, people have sexual orientations, it's a mundane fact of life and should be shown as such. For a TV series in 2021 to reveal an ageless character is bisexual is routine. I mean, I'm straight, but I imagineif my lifespan was measured in thousands of years I'd at least be some degree of pansexual. So would you. This isn't bravery. It's not saying anything. I'd be impressed if they, I don't know, did an episode giving the finger to the rampant transphobia that seems to be coarsening our society these days.

That aside, though, this is a fun little two hander between Loki and Sylvie, and we get a little titbit about the TVA: all of their employees are variants. Wow. What other secrets do the Time Keepers have? And who is the mysterious Ramona?

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