"Captain Mohawk stole our baby!"
Just to be clear, I quite like a lot of KISS. But "I Was Made for Loving You" is a disco-tinged abomination. Just to be clear.
That said... otherwise, I like this episode. Yes, it's very silly having the concept. of Howard the Duck and Dacy (Mr and Mrs "the Duck"...) have a hybrid kid together, absolutely leaning into the interspecies sexz fun of 1986's Howard The Duck (nice touch, the reference to "Mrs Switzler"). And naturally this egg is the most important child ever, whose coming has been foretold and who is therefore fougfht over by allthe cosmic entities of the MCU, from Zeus to the Grandmaster to Dormannu to Thanos to SHIELD.
Only for it to turn out that it's the parents who should raise the child after all, as that's how childrearing works. This child is special... but aren't they all? This episode, broadcast on a day which commemorates the birth of a child, is a rather nice and fun metaphor for all the things we parents go through, and it's lovely.
But also fun. And with a surprisingly high amount of star wattage.
I'm left wondering, though... yes, this works as just a meaphor. We don't need to take the meaphor literally and see what this little girl becomes... but will we?
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