Tuesday 17 October 2023

Gen V: #ThinkBrink

 "Shall we talk about our intercourse situation?"

The quote isn't even the funniest thing about sex in this episode: that would be Jordan discussing Marie during sex, pausing briefly to climax, and then continuing. It just goes to show how very The Boys this is... like the last scene with Emma shrinking and, you know. Euurgh. Which reminds me of a certain parallel scene from The Boys. Yes, that one.

I'm so impressed by this. The balance between plot, character and world building is perfection. I love how Marie and Emma reconcile, hopefully the start of va beautiful friendship. They are alike in more than having powers that areb metaphors for self harm: both have low self-esteem. Both are made to be useful, Marie forced to parade at the Brink party for the university, having the kind of background that makes rebellion a luxury. Emma, meanwhile, eagerly siezes a chance to be a hero, to be really useful... and is out of her depth. It's sweet that Sam likes her though. Shame about her mum.

It's nice to see Marie open up, and reconcile a bit, with Cate and Jordan: she's not alone in having killed her parents in manifesting her powers: Cate did the same with her little brother. And she has a point. It's not their fault, but the parents who drugged them with Compound V. Jordan's parents, in a nice little metaphor (sometimes an obvious metaphor can work well) for transphobic parenting.

All this is unfolding at a perfect pace. The arcs advance yet the characters breathe. And Andre's dad knows about Sam and the dungeon beneath. Ouch. This is brilliant telly.

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