Wednesday 1 December 2021

I May Destroy You: The Cause the Cure

 "You lot getting your Brady Bunch on?"

Like every other episode of I May Destroy You, this is devastatingly incredible telly. The sexual assault is not absent, of course; Bella finally tells her mum, and decides to discreetly forgive Terri after Simon lets slip what she did on that night.

But this episode, like all the others, ois really about memory, and how memory isn't necessarily the truth. There are many little flashbacks of Bella's childhood between two houses and two parents as the family, including her studious brother Nick, visit her mum for her birthday, Yet Bella's adolescent memories trn out to be a sanitised version of the truth. Her "auntie" was in fact her father's lover. And a terrible burglary, in which her hard-working father lost everything, was the result of teenage Arabella using the window to get in and out. Once again the past hurts Arabella.

And yet, for Kwame, there's hope.A man he meets on Grindr turns out to want something more meaningful than a quick shag. It's a contrastingly pleasant part of another episode of harsh truth and compromise.

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