Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Sapphire & Steel: Assignment Two- The Railway Station, Part 3

 "Well, you should know about obsolescence, Mr Tully..."

This is, I think, the episode where things properly start to drag a bit. The cliffhanger resolution, though played out slowly, is nothing we haven't seen before, and the plot before the next cliffhanger basically consists of Steel loghting a load of lamps, with the help of a very tolerant Tully, while loudly singing "Pack Up Your Troubles in Your old Kit Bag" just to annoy the ghost. He really is a right proper git.

We don't learn a lot, really. There's a hint that there may be more to the soldiers' resentment than the mere fact that they died horribly in war, but before long we're on to a similar sort of cliffhanger, this time with Sapphire and Tully in the submarine- as Steel come across the ghost of some kind of party and, er, waves an old jumper around.

I hope this is going somewhere, I really do.

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