Sunday 1 September 2019

Stranger Things: Season 2, Chapter Five- Dig, Dug

”I’m sorry. You ate my cat.”

Lots of scares at the start as something spits at Hopper while he’s underground, in one of those little tunnels from the Upside Down. Worse, the hole he came through closes and there are doubtless lots of deadly beasties down here. He’s up a creek and it’s u certain whether anything he happens to be carrying could constitute a paddle. Fortunately Will is plugged into the baddies and is able to tell Joyce that he’s up said metaphorical creek.

There’s an entirely different awkwardness between Nancy and Jonathan, as the sexual tension has by now reached unbearable levels and they urgently need to get a room. Much cuter is the interaction between the various members of Lucas’ family. We haven’t seen much of them so far but they seem normal and relatable. I like Dustin’s family too, not least because they’re clearly rooting for Walter Mondale in the upcoming election and are thus not evil. But Dustin does have a problem with a fully grown, definitely Demogorgon Dart, who pretty certainly is evil. Dustin hunts and traps it, but the problem is what to do now.

Equally brave is Eleven, who has the guts to visit her mother and aunt and, after a little convincing, is welcomed with open arms. And her catatonic mother, through telepathic darkness, finds a way to communicate and e plain why she says the things she does, in a cycle- we see the birth, and her mother going into the lab to rescue Jane; finding her with another little girl; and deliberately having her sanity taken away. It’s a horrible, horrible fate and a deeply disturbing thing to see.

Meanwhile Nancy and Jonathan visit the private eye investigating Barb’s death, a delightfully eccentric character. I love everything about these sequences in which they show him the dice me and together, with the help of some vodka, work out just how much to water down the truth in exposing what happened and getting justice for Barb. I really love this hippie conspiracy theorist, annoying though such types are in real life, but not as much as I love that Nancy and Jonathan finally do it. Hallelujah.

Meanwhile Lucas tells Max everything and, with depressing realism, is not believed. Fortunately Bob is less sceptical as he is finally brought into things, helps work out from what Will is drawing where Hopper is and, with the help of a bunch of redshirts from the lab, eventually find Hopper so that, against the odds, he lives. Phew. But using fire on the creatures hurts Will...

Obviously, again, I can only say that this is awesome. More please. Now.

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