Monday 23 April 2012

Slight Change of Plan...

Before today's proper blog post, a quick word...

Obviously, I'm reviewing Buffy, soon to be joined by Angel. But so far I've been reviewing each season of Buffy straight through, doing a short mini-series between seasons but pretty much sticking to Buffy otherwise, aside from the films. The  problem is, certain television channels (I'm looking at you, BBC4) have been showing lots of short series I want to review over recent months- The Killing, Spiral, Homeland, Rubicon.... so far I've succumbed only with Borgen. So...

I've been having a bit of a think today about being a bit less rigid, which is rather appropriate given the themes of the first episode in question. For the next five weeks I'll be juggling two TV series at the same time. Buffy will be joined by The Bridge. I'll do two episodes a week, to keep me roughly at BBC4 pace. The channel, bizarrely, is showing two episodes at a time, so I'll review both of them during the following week, interspersed with Buffy on other days, still making up most of the posts. Hopefully that'll keep things more zeitgeisty with The Bridge (in the UK, at least) than they were with Borgen, where I was a few weeks behind the curve.

Also, I should be able to post a bit more between now and mid-May. No four days running of no posts, like the last four days! I had a busy weekend, and a not exactly teetotal one. The next couple of weeks should be quieter.

So. I've seen part one of The Bridge: I'm going to start writing it now, and it'll be up in a bit. Yep, two blogs in one day..

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