
Wednesday 12 June 2024

Batman: The Animated Series- Christmas with the Joker

 "Jingle bells, Batman smells..."

I love that they use the opening to the version of Jingle Bells I ised to sing in primary schools, even if the rest of the words are different. This is our first introduction to Mark Hamill's Joker (and Arkham Asylum), and it's perfect.

Batman has always been perfect for splendidly dark Christmas tales, and this is no exception. Oh, the plot is straightforward enough, and bonkers, as the Joker dangerously toys with Batman on Christmas Day. It reminds me of those Steve Englehart stories from the '70s which themselves riffed on the early Joker tales. This is very typical Joker stuff, exactly what you want as an introduction.

Incidentally, we now have Robin, after he wasn't in the first episode. Is this the plan, to sometimes feature the character and sometimes not? And which Robin is this? I can't quite recall if Tim Drake was a thing in 1992, but I'm sure all will slowly be revealed. I love the banter between the two of them over Christmas and It's a Wonderful Life.

All very impressive stuff- and very "trad" post-1970 Denny O'Neill revamp Batman in a way which hadn't actually be seen on screen before this. It's fadcinating to see this series unfold.

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