Sunday 3 September 2023

Predators (2010)

 "This planet is a game preserve. And we're the game."

So continues my ploddingly slow viewing of all the Predator and Alien films in release order, and this time... well, obviously this isn't going to be an all-time cinematic classic, but for a sequel of a sequel of a sequel of a sequel, sort of... it's actually not bad. 

It's not very well shot, admittedly. As one might expect from a music video director, it looks like a music video. Soulless CGI, boringly flat cinematography, texture and lighting. But despite this the script is pretty good, with very decent characterisation for this sort of film. The cast is good, too. Not exactly full of A listers but solid character actors. The likes of Walton Goggins and Mahershala Ali always add quality. And Laurence Fishburne's extended cameo is mesmerising.

The plot is simple enough: predators select and transport hand-picked humans to a planet they use as a game reserve to hunt and kill. Yet the characters are a gemuinely interesting bunch with real quirks, from the extremely disturbing Stans, taken from Death Row, to the stoic and dignified Mombasa. There are nice little twists and turns along the way in a film that manages to do more than simply carry out its high concept premise. And, I must not neglect to add, there's plenty of Predator action, although these are the moments where the CGI soullessness is at its most dismal.

What raises this film above its premise, though, is that it is about something bigger than action and IP. Our two main characters, Isabelle and Royce, are themselves hunters, who enjoy the thrill of the kill... and it is this, in the end, that counts. Yet can they use their hunting natures to survive while retaining their humanity? This question is examined quite excessively, a big part of why I was far more impressed with this film than I expected to be. Pretty good, in the end.

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