Wednesday 1 February 2023

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law- Just Jen

 "Yes, itr's a self-contained wedding episode."

Another short little sitcom episode ensues with more fourth wall-breaking, this time by playing with the tropes of mid-seasdon wedding episodes. So Jen-powerful and successful- is a bridesmaid at a wedding where none of that matters, she's not one of the queen bees and is expected to act as a servant, and her achievements mean mothing besides the mere fact of her singledom. Ouch

Ginger and Mallory get a nice little sub-plot with Mr Immortal, who is no Great Lakes Avenger here but someone who just temporarily dies to avoid conflict, leading to some rather amusing relationship problems, and all because he can't avoid conflict.

Jen, of course, is stuck in a trap from Titania but, once green, is easily able to defeat her. She seems to have found a nice man too. All seems to be going well. But Bruce is missing. And on the Internet there are rumours that there are those who wish her ill.

This is not, perhaps, the greatest episode but nevertheless it makes for entertaining viewing. We now seem to be moving into the endgame with a season arc becoming prominent...

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