Thursday 29 July 2021

Captain America: Episodes 6 and 7


 Episode 6: Vault of Vengeance

"Now the homicidal maniac will plan a counter-attack!"

There's actually a rather good cliffhanger resolution, for once, as this episode's peril monkey Gail is saved from the guillotine by a realistiv distraction before Captain America arrives to fight the baddies- ultimately stopping the blade from touching her by mere inches. 

We then move to the baddies pretty much suspecting the D.A. of being Cap, as a surprising series of cat and mouse games ad tricks commences between Cap and the Scarab. It's all rather good fun. And the cliffhanger involves Cap with a rifle(!), and an impressive-looking mine shaft.


Episode 7: Wholesale Destruction

"It'll blow sky high!"

The intrigue grows, as last episode's extortion victim is afraid of his life, as the Scarab is rather miffed that the $100,000 he extorted has been rendered useless by Grant's cleverness. Meanwhile, Grant does some clever and plot-convenient sleuthing in a place what repairs vans.

We end up with a rather ominous cliffhanger as the building with Cap in it is blown up with "Nitrogas", with some rather impressive and explosive effects. This is still just a load of random set pieces, but I'm enjoying it.

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