
Wednesday, 2 September 2020

The Adventures of Captain Marvel: Lens of Death

"It's a trick!"

Halfway through and, while it's starting to become slghtly apparent that al this dancing around the Scorpion getting hold of all the lenses is just a form of padding, we don’t mind as we’re being entertained by the set pieces and there’s simultaneously a whodunit as we’re left wondering who the Scorpion is- despite a little light misdirection in this episode, he’s clearly a member of the expedition.

I like the cliffhanger resolution here, as Captain Marvel being overwhelmed by lava is the biggest so far and there is, diegetically at least, potential for doubt over whether he survives, and the Scorpion and co certainly believe him to be dead. Cleverly, a few minutes pass before the appearance of Billy shows us that he isn’t.

The Wizard’s pan here is clever- claiming to have all lenses but one in order to smoke out the locations of two expedition members’ lenses, and the two attempted robberies make good set pieces. It’s interesting to note, though- this is the halfway point. Where is the story going to go now? Are there six more episodes, albeit entertaining, of hunt the lenses?

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