
Thursday 12 December 2019

Union Jack- Co-operation

"So sorry I shot you, mate. My bad."

It's a weird time to be blogging this, a few minutes away from the exit poll in a somewhat dramatic election marked by much rain (at least here in the constituency of Bosworth) and, it seems, high turnout. But I shall pass these last twenty-odd minutes with some praise for a particularly outstanding episode of this bloody good web series.

First, though, I really need to correct a long-standing omission and praise the music, from Tasha Fights Tigers, to the skies. I love this kind of broadly post-punk sound, but not only is the theme tune awesome but the incidental music as good, if not better, than anything you see on telly.

As for the episode as a whole, though, once again we get lots of seriousness leaved by genuinely funny humour and likeable characters well portrayed. We get cleverness, too- the conceit here is that Axis Mundi are going to explode a WMD in central London tomorrow, and Joey and Romany have to sneak into Slaymaster's lair and get him to help. Yet the plot is foiled and everybody lives with plenty of entertaining drama but without too much strain on the budget; the defeat of Axis Mundi's plan happens off screen but we don't mind as we're too engrossed by the witty and exciting character drama we see unfolding.

Plus, you know, Trivial Pursuit banter. Booby jokes. And, er, Union Flag boxers. This is seriously good stuff. Watch it now on YouTube.