"I'm here to clean ypur clock, Fugate."
Last episode may have been a little below the usual standard, but this one is as good as ever. The quality of this series is consistently high.
And Temple Fugit (see what they did there?) is an excellent villain with a nice gimmick, well handled, as well as a compelling backstory and a quirky character. The use of Hamilton Hill continues the world building, with the series continuing to stlowly develop a surprisingly large supporting cast. Oh, and I like what they did with the roads, all named after a prominent Batman or Detective Comics artist. There's also a nice reference to Harold Lloyd's Safety Last.
Perhaps the best sequence, though,is where the Clock King hasb Batman locked in a bank vault with only five minutes' worth of oxygen, and he uses his extreme cleverness to survive... although it'sfortunate this sequence occurs in a pre-digital age, dependent though it is on reels of tape.
I've no idea whether we'll see the Clock King agsin, despite his apparent escape. But I certainly hope so.