
Wednesday 18 January 2023

Foundation: Preparing to Live

 "The more human I act, the more human I am."

Here we begin to branch out from the original novel. There are divergences, the four or five year trip to Terminus beuing the most obvious, a good way of establishing characters and the dynamics amongst the proto-Foundation. Yet there are also elements from later retcons in the novels- I now remember who Raych is, for a start. And it's startling to hear Hari mention the "Robot Wars" and, all the more so, to have it revealed- not only to us but Brother Dawn- that Eto Demerzel is a robot, apparently the only one. Why, then, does the share this knowledge with Dawn?

There is utter horror in this episode. The Cleons, or certainly Dusk, know the two ambassadors and their worlds are innocent... but their entire retinues are judicially killed anyway, by slow, tortuous hanging. And their worlds are bombed to bits. All for the sake of a scapegoat for the satisfaction of the masses. Such is the Empire.

We see the Foundation develop and grow, with Hari Seldon revered. We also see Gaal and Raych grow closer and plan life together, yet Raych and Hari seem to grow apart. And the end is seemingly shocking. With the maths of psychohistory seemingly unfinished, Raych stabs Seldon and forces Gaal into an escape pod, ejecting her into space after, er, telling her he loves her. Why? What happens next?

The dynamics between the three clone emperors are fascinating too. This is superb, deep telly.

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