
Wednesday 17 August 2022

The Sandman: 24/7

 "The trouble with stories is, if you keep them going long enough, they all end in death, don't they?"

I realise that, currently watching the last episodes of Breaking Bad, I'm spoiled for superlative telly, and everything else looks distinctly inferior, pretty much. Yet, by any ordinary standard- although, as far as my quarter century memory can recall, it's reasonably true to the comic- this is a sublime episode of telly.

The premise is simple. John Dee (not that one) has Dream's ruby. And he goes to a diner, for a coffee, surrounded by a handful of perfectly ordinary people. On the surface, they are mundane and everyday, like us all. But scratch beneath the surface- and he does- and, like all of us, they have interior lives rich and as conflicted as any play by Tennessee Williams or Arthur Miller.

Jogn wants an honest world. one without lying, including to ourselves. This leads to terrible violence and self-mutilation. It is hardly a happy world.

Because we need lies. They console us. We need the consolation of lies in this random, godless world. One day each one of us will die, and there is nothing beyond. Who can blame us for choosing not to examine that unsettling fact too closely?

This is sublime telly, quite different from previous episodes. Dream and Dee, wonderfully, are not the stars. We are.

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