
Friday 14 September 2018

Angel: Release

"You made me lose my shopkeeper!"

Another gripping and desperate episode here as a badass, damaged Faith and a badass, damaged Wesley team up to hunt Angelus all the way to a vampiric opium den while competing entertainingly to see which of them is the most badass. Unexpectedly it turns out to be Wes who stabs a junkie for information and goes disturbingly intense on Faith. Ouch.

Meanwhile, Cordy is doing silly voices as the baddie whenever she's not manipulating the very teenage Connor with his silly grown-out hair (when I was his age at least I did long hair properly and, indeed, still do) and constantly mentioning that she's pregnant with a baby who seems to be growing at an abnormally fast rate.

Meanwhile Fred tries to get back together with Gunn, they kiss, and... it's still really awkward. That's awful, but what often happens when a couple split up and regret it; it can never be as though the bad stuff never happened.

We get an interesting cliffhanger, as Angelus seems about to bite Faith in the neck and sire her. This seems to cry out for a bit of a cheat resolution, but we'll see. I'm not sure how long this Angelus stuff will last, but I for one am hugely enjoying David Boreanaz's deliciously evil performances.

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