
Monday 11 September 2017

Jessica Jones: AKA You're a Winner

"Of course they're ok. I don't hurt dogs."

Narratively in the context of the season, of course (SPOILERS!) this is The Episode Where Luke Finds Out. It's halfway through the season so naturally it's time to build a big wedge between the two of them. But the way it's done is devastating, a massive blow that someone decent like Luke, whom she cares about, should be so disgusted with her. Yet this, like everything, is the consequence of that abusive relationship with Killgrave, who spends the episode carefully, and legally, with minimal use of powers, acquiring ownership of Jessica's childhood home. It doesn't get much creepier than that.

What gives the ending its punch, of course, is that Jessica and Luke end up working together and, after Luke hears the gist about what happened with Killgrave from Malcolm, he thinks he knows why they split up, and it doesn't take long before they sleep together. It's clear from these brief scenes just how much she likes him, and how much his rejection of her must hurt.

Elsewhere, Hope gets herself an illicit abortion as there's no way she can stomach giving birth to Killgrave's child, a foetus conceived by rape. We get the eye-opening revelation that Pam won't sleep with Hogarth before marriage because "I'm Catholic"- people who refuse to make sure they're sexually compatible with you before getting married are not taking the marriage seriously, and I'm not sure what Pam's agenda is here.

One other weird thing- Hogarth wants Hope's dead foetus. Why? A solid episode, though, in a series that continues to impress.

1 comment:

  1. 2k movies - This is a work of art, unlike any superhero series, it focuses on the drama around Jessica and Kilgrave, it does not show a woman flying around saving people or punching people, it follows the comic perfectly with the R-rated rating and also how battered her life is and people around her. Best marvel series ever made till date. other things about this series is the fact that they don't care about normal superhero stuffs that is secret lair, costumes, running around at night looking for troubles, and the fact that she doesn't consider herself to be a superhero who needs to save her city. and also the fact that they did not make super powers look like one special thing as she breaks locks or jumps to fire escape or stops moving cars is absolutely exquisite. for all marvel fans this is a most watch and DC fans this is JESSICA JONES.
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